The Strong4Sean Foundation

Bass Warrior Open Golf Tournament

Fourteen years ago Sean and Lisa Bass started a golf tournament to raise money for and awareness about HHT, a genetic disorder that affected several members of the Bass family.  Three years ago, Sean was diagnosed with and eventually died as a result of leukemia.  The golf tournament has evolved and now serves to raise money for the Strong4Sean Foundation.  But more important than raising much needed money to fund leukemia research and supporting Carroll County families facing the challenges of cancer, in the spirit of Sean Bass, the Bass Warrior Open Golf Tournament brings a diverse group of people together for a day of sport and fun.  We have some golfers and sponsors who have participated since the beginning and each year we’re fortunate enough to have new people join us.  Sean loved to spend this day out on the course, catching up with old friends and meeting new people.  The Bass Warrior Open encourages us all to be strong like Sean, but it also allows us to have fun and let loose a little while supporting a really good cause!